
The All-around Geniuses in Physics-Landauer & Feynman

朗道(Lev Landau,1908-1968,出生于前苏联的巴库,1962年诺贝尔物理奖)和费曼(Richard Feynman,1918-1988,出生于美国纽约,1965年诺贝尔物理奖)都是公认的最有个性的理论物理学家并且各自拥有大量的崇拜者。作为冷战时代两大敌对阵营的天才骄子,把朗道和费曼拿到一起对比是很有戏剧性的。令人惊讶的是除一个是前苏联人(朗道),另一个是美国人(费曼)外,我们发现在他们的身上有很多共同点,简直就像是孪生兄弟。

费曼的科学工作也同样涉及到多个领域。其中最重要的是量子力学路径积分理论以及他以路径积分的形式写出的整个量子电动力学(QED),使之具有相对论协变的形式,并且通过重整化的方法避开了发散的困难,解决了电子的自能问题。利用这样的理论,就可以相当精确地计算出兰姆位移和电子的反常磁矩等用旧有的理论无法处理的问题。在此过程中,他还发展了在场论中十分重要的费曼图技术。今天,路径积分、费曼图已经成为理论物理学家通用的语言,恰似微积分对牛顿力学的重要性一样。 朗道和费曼都不约而同的用女人和性来表达自己对物理学的热爱。费曼表示研究物理对他来说就象是性,虽然很少有功利的用途,但又绝对不能缺少。朗道也曾经酸溜溜地表示:“漂亮姑娘都和别人结婚了,现在只能追求一些不太漂亮的姑娘了。”这里漂亮姑娘指的是量子力学,量子力学是现代物理学的基础,于上世纪30年代由海森堡、薛定谔和狄拉克三个幸运儿建立,朗道因为比他们小几岁所以没能赶上这次物理学史上最关键的淘金行动。
朗道和费曼同时又都是优秀的教师,如果我们走进任何一个大学的图书馆,我们会发现以朗道或费曼为作者的物理教材和讲义是最多的并且是最热门的。这其中朗道的《理论物理学教程》和《费曼物理学讲义》是最被大家津津乐道的。除此之外,朗道还有一套《大众物理学》专门写给高中生和大学低年级水平读者的;而费曼也有《统计力学讲义》、《量子电动力学讲义》等研究生水平的教材。看来两个人都有使用自己风格叙述“全部”物理学的嗜好。但有趣的是,朗道和费曼几乎从未执笔去“写”过这些书,他们更像是布道者在讲坛上或研究组内去讲自己的物理。就像圣经是上帝的门徒根据其言行编纂出的经典一样,朗道书的执笔者主要是其学生及合作者;费曼书则是根据讲课录音及学生笔记整理出来的,费曼上课一般就是拿张纸神侃。 朗道作为前苏联理论物理学的象征,是著名朗道学派的领导者,在这个科研组里学生必须先读完朗道的《理论物理学教程》才可以进入研究。据说朗道本人是从不读文献的,他的学生会把自己读过的文献拿来与他讨论,而朗道学派培养出的大师级人物也特别多,象2003年诺贝尔奖得主阿布里科索夫和栗弗席兹等。相比之下,费曼作为一名导师,却没有培养出在物理方面特别成功的学生。但费曼很热心物理学在公众中的传播,经常给世界各地的大学本科生上课、给公众做各种讲演等。聪明伶俐、活泼好动的费曼生活在传媒发达的美国显然吸引了更多物理学以外大众的注意力,就象是生活在物理世界中的传奇浪子。而朗道的声名则主要限制在学术圈内,在学术上朗道还多少有些“学阀”作风,有些被朗道枪毙掉的论文,后来被证明是极重要的。
1938年,朗道因被怀疑是德国间谍而入狱,关押一年后,被包括玻尔在内的国内外物理学家所营救,但那段日子一定是他刻骨难忘的,他写道:I spent a year in prison and it was clear that I would be unable to live for even another half year.(在狱中我呆了一年,显然再有半年我就会死掉。) 1962年朗道又遭遇严重车祸(这很可能是前苏联克格勃精心策划的),在车祸中朗道断了11跟骨头并头骨骨折,在经历数次临床死亡判决之后,医生又把朗道从死神手里抢救了回来,但他已经失去了做物理学研究的能力,6年后朗道过早的离开了我们,时年仅60岁。朗道可以说是一个悲剧人物,他虽然在科学上取得了空前的成功,但也留下了太多的遗憾,让后人为他惋惜。
狱中的朗道而费曼则显然是个喜剧人物,他的才华在各方面得到了充分发展和展示,费曼玩鼓、研究古埃及的象形文字、到舞会上找女大学生玩、俨然一副天才顽童形象。当然费曼的最爱还是理论物理,在他去世前,在他办公室的小黑板上画的是 Bethe Ansatz 这一超级难题。但费曼的好出风头也不是每个人都喜欢的,夸克之父盖尔曼就毫不掩饰他对费曼的敌视,通常,费曼如果讲点什么,盖尔曼会立即讽刺性地抨击费曼,费曼又会立马反击。对这种激烈得近乎“残忍”的交锋,费曼通常觉得有些荒唐而一笑了之,但盖尔曼却会事后越想越生气而暴躁起来。盖尔曼想避免生气,后来就尽力避开费曼,如果盖尔曼在做讲座时看到费曼就会开始用单调的语气读起笔记,只有当费曼离开后,他才会重新生动地讲起来。令人惊讶的是,费曼和朗道一样都是犹太人,并且都是来自前苏联地区的犹太人。朗道的故乡是今天阿塞拜疆共和国的首都、里海边上的石油城巴库市。费曼虽然出生在美国的纽约,但他的父亲麦尔维尔则是白俄罗斯的明斯克人。费曼的父亲爱好物理,并是小费曼的启蒙,朗道的父亲则是一位工程师,俄罗斯民族及犹太人的学术及数理传统无疑是催生两个物理天才的真正父亲。朗道和费曼对物理学的影响永远不会过去。

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Kanwa Defence Review(汉和防务评论)

Kanwa Information Center (KWIC) is a non-government-run news agency that has been officially registered in Toronto, Canada. With special correspondents stationed in Moscow, Washington D.C., and the other places in the world, KWIC provides, on a regular basis, various news correspondence, original photos, and reference reports on the foreign and national defense policies of different Asian countries. The news, original photos, and large reports that KWIC provides are often used by the news agencies, newspapers, and research institutes in USA, Japan, and Britain. In addition, KWIC also publishes the Kanwa Defense Review in the English, Japanese, and Chinese languages irregularly.

KWIC provides news, photos, and video images in English, Japanese, and Chinese. While offering these news items through the "Kanwa Express" to the major news agencies and media in a fastest possible way, KWIC provides the internet news in both English and Chinese once every ten days or three times a month, and once a month (on the tenth day of every month) in Japanese. KWIC also adds the "express news" and "newsphotos" on an irregular basis.
To get more detailed information in military, you can logged on this website:
You might find that some of the articles in this website are not subjective or acurate, but it might provide some new insight towards the power of PLA.

汉和的安德烈·平可夫的来历 安德烈·平可夫,乍一听是个“洋人”,实际上却是个土生土长的中国人。
1984年,21岁的张毅弘从昆明市高等师范专科学校中文系毕业,两年后自费赴日本,在东京一所日语学校学习日语,1988年成为青山学院国际政治学部的预科生,主修苏联当代政治学。 在日本留学期间,张毅弘的日子过得很苦。据他回忆,每天凌晨3点,闹钟一响,他就得马上起床,在30分钟内赶到《朝日新闻》大森派送所,领取近200份当天的《朝日新闻》报纸,送到每一位订户房间内,靠此挣些学费。每周只有星期日下午,他才能休息半天。 由于压力过大,在日本期间,张毅弘一度要靠服用大量镇静药来支撑学习和生活。他最终没能拿到硕士学位,于1990年离开学校,一边打工,一边写些文章挣稿费。
在靠稿费过活的那段时间,张毅弘找到了赚钱、出名的“捷径”——披露“中国军事内幕”。他的名字开始大量出现在日本报纸上。当时正值西方大肆炒作“中国军事威胁论”的热潮,这个自称“对共产主义毫无兴趣”的中国大陆留学生能够频频“爆料”,正中西方国家一些人的下怀,甚至连美国中情局编撰的《每日中国报告》,也时常转载他的报道和评论。 1993年,张毅弘移居加拿大,在多伦多创办了汉和信息中心。此时,昔日的穷学生已经变成了“国际军事评论家”安德烈·平可夫。1996年,平可夫在莫斯科求见俄空军总司令捷列金大将,后者问他为什么取名“平可夫”,他回答说,因为他崇拜苏联名将朱可夫元帅;还说当年在日本穷困潦倒的时候,经常读朱可夫的回忆录,甚至可以背诵其中的不少段落。捷列金听后大为感动……“平可夫”这个名字的由来是否真如他自己所说,已无从考证,不过它的确迅速被人们记住了。
平可夫经常回中国,国内不少军事迷都见过他。但是,他的“军事评论家”身份受到了很多质疑。其一,他的观点很不严谨,多属捕风捉影,比如“中国拣来美国导弹残骸仿造巡航导弹”、“中国到乌克兰偷艺发展导弹列车”……在杭州举行的一次研讨会上,平可夫又口出惊人之语,称中国军事实力将在20年内赶超美国。凤凰卫视《军情观察室》栏目的马鼎盛先生说他“吹”得太玄乎,他马上“宣战”,扬言要亲自去凤凰卫视,“用三五分钟时间”,给马先生“教授入门课程”。 让军事问题专家反感的是,平可夫的立场非常不公正,喜欢帮西方媒体“吹喇叭”。他还多次去台湾,研讨“如何应对大陆军力崛起”。今年1月22日,他还特意跑到台湾,专访了号称“陈水扁亲信中的亲信”的台湾“国防部副部长”柯承亨。两人一唱一和,大肆鼓吹“大陆军事威胁论”。平可夫提醒柯承亨说,日本“今后作为正常国家,武器出口的问题也可能提上议事日程”。柯承亨则马上搭腔称:“如果日本能够出售武器,对于台湾将会非常有帮助。”

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High Power Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering (HPPMS)(excerpt)

The following text was excerpt from the webpage:
Glow discharge thin film deposition processes are technologically very important and are extensively used for industrial production of layers as well as in materials research, especially in facilitating in the creation of new advanced materials. Unlike evaporative techniques glow discharge plasmas can be tailored to obtain impinging particles with energies comparable to typical surface and molecular binding energies. This in turn gives yields increased adatom mobility as well as increased surface chemical reaction rates which give rise to epitaxial growth at reduced temperatures and synthesis of chemically metastable materials. Compound formation, in which the reactivity between constituents is the rate-limiting step also becomes easier. For instance, dissociation can occur as a result of energetic plasma processes, such as electron, ion, and photon irradiation.

An even greater advantage can be achieved if the deposition material itself is ionized (ionized sputtering). In this case the material can be accelerated to desired energies and guided in direction, using electrical or magnetical fields, to facilitate e.g. film substrate intermixing, nano- and microstructural modifications, and creation of metastable phases.Due to this interest in achieving a deposition flux in the form of ions rather than neutrals, several new ionized physical vapor deposition (IPVD) techniques have emerged giving this possibility [1]. These techniques are all based on the formation of very high plasma densities which makes it virtually impossible for the deposition atoms to escape from the vapor generation zone without becoming ionized by energetic electrons. The first IPVD systems consisted of a magnetron cathode for physical sputtering of atoms and a secondary inductively coupled plasma (ICP) discharge[2], by a secondary microwave driven discharge[3], or by shaping the cathode target in a particular way in order to confine the electrons, referred to as hollow cathode magnetron discharge[4]. High-power pulsed dc magnetrons in unipolar mode have been proposed for highly ionized sputtering[5,6]. In a conventional dc magnetron the power density is limited by the thermal load on the target, since most of the energy of the positive ions accelerated to the target is transformed into heat. In unipolar pulsing the power supply operates at low (or zero) power level and then pulses to a significantly higher level for a short period each cycle. When the peak power densities exceed 1 kW/cm2 we refer to the process as HPPMS. The peak power density is generally in the range 1-3 kW/cm2 at peak target voltage in the range 300-1500 V. Thus substantial increase in the instantaneous plasma density is achieved without increasing the thermal load of the target. The pulsed magnetron has been demonstrated for use in high-aspect-ratio filling applications and improved thickness homogeneity of the deposited films compared to conventional dc magnetrons[5].For a list of our recent publication in this field see the publication list.
[1] See for example: Ionized Physical Vapor Deposition, Ed. by JA Hopwood (Academic Press, London, 2000) or JM Schneider, SL Rohde, WD Sproul, and A Matthews, Recent Developments in Plasma Assisted Physical Vapour Deposition, Journal of Physics D 33, 2000, R173.
[2] Magnetron sputter deposition with high levels of metal ionization, S.M. Rossnagel and J. Hopwood, Appl. Phys. Lett. 63 (1993) 3285.
[3] Development of a cylindrical DC magnetron sputtering apparatus assisted by microwave plasma, A. Yonesu, H. Takemoto, M. Hirata, and Y. Yamashiro, Vacuum 66 (2002) 275.
[4] Hollow cathode magnetron, Z. Wang and S.A. Cohen, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 17 (1999) 77.
[5] novel pulsed magnetron sputter technique utilizing very high target power densities, V. Kouznetsov, K. Macák, J.M. Schneider, U. Helmersson, and I. Petrov, Surface and Coatings Technology 122 (1999) 290.

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the Plasma & Coatings Physics division(Linköping University)

Jan-Eric Sundgren, Senior Vice President at Volvo AB, is discussing the possible benefits for Volvo to use the HIPIMS-technology.
The Plasma & Coatings Physics group is a division at the Department of Physics and Measurement Technology (IFM), Linköping University, Sweden. Our research concerns investigations of methods for growth of thin films (using sputtering techniques), as well as development of coatings for various applications. The group was formed from, and still works in close collaboration with, the Thin Film Physics group.

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A love letter of Wengfan!

The remarriage of Chen Ning Yang has aroused enormous interest, and also was regarded as a wrongdoing by most of us. After all, Influenced by the traditional culture, none of us would like to accept such a fact that a old man marry with a young gril with the age difference of six decades.
Recently, a love letter, appeared in the internet and conformed to be written by Wenfan, was spreaded and distained by many people. The initial version of this letter was written in English, some guy translated it using the traditional Chinese. The letter is as follows:
Cold here, icy cold there. You belong to neither, leaves have withered.
  Your face is pale and blue, a tearful smile. Some-thing in your eyes,whispers words of last good-bye. My heart sinks down,tearssurge out.
  Hot summer.Cheerful Cocktail. You took my hand. We fled into another world of band. You sat by my side, long hair tied behind,cool and killing. Smile floating on the lemonade, soft and smooth.How I was? amazed. Your face looked like the cover of the magazine. My head spin. You led my hand,danced along the crazy theme.
  Light vied with wine, elegance mixed with fragrance,laughing covered by greetings, the crowed was busy at handshaking.You stoodthere, eyes on me. I trembled at the sparkles, bcentererthan thelight. A masterpiece from God, I felt dizzy. We were notnear, yetwe were togeth-er.
  Days ended. You said, you would wait for me at th e Alps side.Wewould ski against snowflakes dancing in the sky. I gave noanswerbut a good-bye to ac-company your flight. Gone was the plane,Isuddenly tasted my pain. I knew I had been silly and stupid,youwere in my heart, I shouldn ’t have hidden in the dark. I triedtoforget your disappointment. I made be-lieve sometime someday,Iwould tell you, I feel all the same.
  My thought struggled at confessing, somehow hesitation endedinflinching. I continued my role of a fool, clinched to mymaidenpride, yet secretly in-dulged in your promise of the whiteland --snow measuring down to us, in your arms I am lifted up. Thechimingof Christmas bell!
  The bell died in the patter of rain, from hell came thelaughingof Satan at my brain. Tearful smile, swal-lowed by thedarkness.How could I trace your hair to wipe your tears?My handsreachedout,catching nothing but a raindrop, on a leaf thathadwithered.
  Snowflakes have melted into water, we are no more together.

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Some beautiful picture of Yellow Mountain (Anhui)

The Yellow Mountain is a travel destination I always dream about, however, up to now I did not have the chance to go there.
Situated in southeastern China(Anhui Province), Mt.Huangshan (Yellow Mountain) is famous for the uniquely shaped pines, the fantastic rock peaks, the sea of clouds and the hot springs. Mt.Huangshan is a magical mountain, covering many other famous mountains' features; perhaps its most outstanding feature is change. The mystic clouds drift in and out, changing the scenery from minute to minute as the mist rises and ebbs; the beauty of Huangshan also varies with the seasons.
Throughout history, praises by many celebrities were heaped on Mt. Huangshan. On his second visit to Mt.Huangshan, Xu Xiake, the famous traveler and geographer of the Ming Dynasty, exclaimed: "Huangshan in Huizhou has no equal. Once on top, one finds no other match. This is the acme!" People later concluded: "No mountains are worth seeing after a trip to the Five Sacred Mountains, and none of the Sacred Mountains are worth seeing after a trip to Huangshan." No wonder it is the only mountain that is listed in China's Top Ten Scenic Spots and designated as a World Cultural and Natural Heritage site. As a matter of fact, just like the Yangtze River, the Great Wall and the Yellow River, Mt.Huangshan has become a symbol of China.
If you are planning for your 5.1 vocation, Yellow Mountain might be your dreamful destination. Don't miss it!

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The latest software of train timetable!

This is the latest software in which you can check the changed time schedul of train. It might be if you want to make a decision about your train journey for the 5.1 vocation. Unfortunately, I do not know how to upload it into this blog. So you may search it on the internet, or send a email to me, and I will mail it to you in time. My email address is: zmliu123@gmail.com

I am looking forward to your letter.

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Some Pictures of Tulip (in Holand)

I was totally ignorant about the flowers. Usually, compared with breed some flowers, I would like to spend hours of time listen to the music or read some novels. Even though I have heared that tulip was cosidered as the emblem of Holand, I know nothing about this flower. Until recently, I find a author which introduce the author's visit to Holand and also this flower. I can find no proper words to describe this flower, but I believe that simply enjoying them is enough for me. To get more detailed information about the author's visit, click this link:


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A website help you solve some FAQ!

I find out a website which introduce some FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Its purpose is to provide good answers to questions that have been discussed often in sci.physics and related usenet newsgroups. The articles in this FAQ are based on those discussions and on information from good reference sources. That does not mean that they are always perfect and complete. If you have corrections, updates or additional points to make please send an email to the editor,
document.write(donsAdrs()) Don Koks (his cv is here). If you want to write up an article following a news group discussion about a subject not yet covered here then feel free to send it to the editor, but please do not use this address to ask new questions.

The address is as follows:

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The Panorama of IMR

This picture is taken from the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in which I am currently doing some research work for the doctoral degree.
For more detailed information about our institute, you can hit this link:

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Introduce some interested websites!

I will recommand some interested websites for the comer everyday. Some of them were found by myself, the others were discovered by the fellows in our group.
The website for today is "the home of patents", where you can find some innovative ideas and thoughts. Its address is: http://www.patent-cn.com/
I hope that everyone can enjoy this website!
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