
Kanwa Defence Review(汉和防务评论)

Kanwa Information Center (KWIC) is a non-government-run news agency that has been officially registered in Toronto, Canada. With special correspondents stationed in Moscow, Washington D.C., and the other places in the world, KWIC provides, on a regular basis, various news correspondence, original photos, and reference reports on the foreign and national defense policies of different Asian countries. The news, original photos, and large reports that KWIC provides are often used by the news agencies, newspapers, and research institutes in USA, Japan, and Britain. In addition, KWIC also publishes the Kanwa Defense Review in the English, Japanese, and Chinese languages irregularly.

KWIC provides news, photos, and video images in English, Japanese, and Chinese. While offering these news items through the "Kanwa Express" to the major news agencies and media in a fastest possible way, KWIC provides the internet news in both English and Chinese once every ten days or three times a month, and once a month (on the tenth day of every month) in Japanese. KWIC also adds the "express news" and "newsphotos" on an irregular basis.
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You might find that some of the articles in this website are not subjective or acurate, but it might provide some new insight towards the power of PLA.

汉和的安德烈·平可夫的来历 安德烈·平可夫,乍一听是个“洋人”,实际上却是个土生土长的中国人。
1984年,21岁的张毅弘从昆明市高等师范专科学校中文系毕业,两年后自费赴日本,在东京一所日语学校学习日语,1988年成为青山学院国际政治学部的预科生,主修苏联当代政治学。 在日本留学期间,张毅弘的日子过得很苦。据他回忆,每天凌晨3点,闹钟一响,他就得马上起床,在30分钟内赶到《朝日新闻》大森派送所,领取近200份当天的《朝日新闻》报纸,送到每一位订户房间内,靠此挣些学费。每周只有星期日下午,他才能休息半天。 由于压力过大,在日本期间,张毅弘一度要靠服用大量镇静药来支撑学习和生活。他最终没能拿到硕士学位,于1990年离开学校,一边打工,一边写些文章挣稿费。
在靠稿费过活的那段时间,张毅弘找到了赚钱、出名的“捷径”——披露“中国军事内幕”。他的名字开始大量出现在日本报纸上。当时正值西方大肆炒作“中国军事威胁论”的热潮,这个自称“对共产主义毫无兴趣”的中国大陆留学生能够频频“爆料”,正中西方国家一些人的下怀,甚至连美国中情局编撰的《每日中国报告》,也时常转载他的报道和评论。 1993年,张毅弘移居加拿大,在多伦多创办了汉和信息中心。此时,昔日的穷学生已经变成了“国际军事评论家”安德烈·平可夫。1996年,平可夫在莫斯科求见俄空军总司令捷列金大将,后者问他为什么取名“平可夫”,他回答说,因为他崇拜苏联名将朱可夫元帅;还说当年在日本穷困潦倒的时候,经常读朱可夫的回忆录,甚至可以背诵其中的不少段落。捷列金听后大为感动……“平可夫”这个名字的由来是否真如他自己所说,已无从考证,不过它的确迅速被人们记住了。
平可夫经常回中国,国内不少军事迷都见过他。但是,他的“军事评论家”身份受到了很多质疑。其一,他的观点很不严谨,多属捕风捉影,比如“中国拣来美国导弹残骸仿造巡航导弹”、“中国到乌克兰偷艺发展导弹列车”……在杭州举行的一次研讨会上,平可夫又口出惊人之语,称中国军事实力将在20年内赶超美国。凤凰卫视《军情观察室》栏目的马鼎盛先生说他“吹”得太玄乎,他马上“宣战”,扬言要亲自去凤凰卫视,“用三五分钟时间”,给马先生“教授入门课程”。 让军事问题专家反感的是,平可夫的立场非常不公正,喜欢帮西方媒体“吹喇叭”。他还多次去台湾,研讨“如何应对大陆军力崛起”。今年1月22日,他还特意跑到台湾,专访了号称“陈水扁亲信中的亲信”的台湾“国防部副部长”柯承亨。两人一唱一和,大肆鼓吹“大陆军事威胁论”。平可夫提醒柯承亨说,日本“今后作为正常国家,武器出口的问题也可能提上议事日程”。柯承亨则马上搭腔称:“如果日本能够出售武器,对于台湾将会非常有帮助。”

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High Power Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering (HPPMS)(excerpt)

The following text was excerpt from the webpage:
Glow discharge thin film deposition processes are technologically very important and are extensively used for industrial production of layers as well as in materials research, especially in facilitating in the creation of new advanced materials. Unlike evaporative techniques glow discharge plasmas can be tailored to obtain impinging particles with energies comparable to typical surface and molecular binding energies. This in turn gives yields increased adatom mobility as well as increased surface chemical reaction rates which give rise to epitaxial growth at reduced temperatures and synthesis of chemically metastable materials. Compound formation, in which the reactivity between constituents is the rate-limiting step also becomes easier. For instance, dissociation can occur as a result of energetic plasma processes, such as electron, ion, and photon irradiation.

An even greater advantage can be achieved if the deposition material itself is ionized (ionized sputtering). In this case the material can be accelerated to desired energies and guided in direction, using electrical or magnetical fields, to facilitate e.g. film substrate intermixing, nano- and microstructural modifications, and creation of metastable phases.Due to this interest in achieving a deposition flux in the form of ions rather than neutrals, several new ionized physical vapor deposition (IPVD) techniques have emerged giving this possibility [1]. These techniques are all based on the formation of very high plasma densities which makes it virtually impossible for the deposition atoms to escape from the vapor generation zone without becoming ionized by energetic electrons. The first IPVD systems consisted of a magnetron cathode for physical sputtering of atoms and a secondary inductively coupled plasma (ICP) discharge[2], by a secondary microwave driven discharge[3], or by shaping the cathode target in a particular way in order to confine the electrons, referred to as hollow cathode magnetron discharge[4]. High-power pulsed dc magnetrons in unipolar mode have been proposed for highly ionized sputtering[5,6]. In a conventional dc magnetron the power density is limited by the thermal load on the target, since most of the energy of the positive ions accelerated to the target is transformed into heat. In unipolar pulsing the power supply operates at low (or zero) power level and then pulses to a significantly higher level for a short period each cycle. When the peak power densities exceed 1 kW/cm2 we refer to the process as HPPMS. The peak power density is generally in the range 1-3 kW/cm2 at peak target voltage in the range 300-1500 V. Thus substantial increase in the instantaneous plasma density is achieved without increasing the thermal load of the target. The pulsed magnetron has been demonstrated for use in high-aspect-ratio filling applications and improved thickness homogeneity of the deposited films compared to conventional dc magnetrons[5].For a list of our recent publication in this field see the publication list.
[1] See for example: Ionized Physical Vapor Deposition, Ed. by JA Hopwood (Academic Press, London, 2000) or JM Schneider, SL Rohde, WD Sproul, and A Matthews, Recent Developments in Plasma Assisted Physical Vapour Deposition, Journal of Physics D 33, 2000, R173.
[2] Magnetron sputter deposition with high levels of metal ionization, S.M. Rossnagel and J. Hopwood, Appl. Phys. Lett. 63 (1993) 3285.
[3] Development of a cylindrical DC magnetron sputtering apparatus assisted by microwave plasma, A. Yonesu, H. Takemoto, M. Hirata, and Y. Yamashiro, Vacuum 66 (2002) 275.
[4] Hollow cathode magnetron, Z. Wang and S.A. Cohen, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 17 (1999) 77.
[5] novel pulsed magnetron sputter technique utilizing very high target power densities, V. Kouznetsov, K. Macák, J.M. Schneider, U. Helmersson, and I. Petrov, Surface and Coatings Technology 122 (1999) 290.

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the Plasma & Coatings Physics division(Linköping University)

Jan-Eric Sundgren, Senior Vice President at Volvo AB, is discussing the possible benefits for Volvo to use the HIPIMS-technology.
The Plasma & Coatings Physics group is a division at the Department of Physics and Measurement Technology (IFM), Linköping University, Sweden. Our research concerns investigations of methods for growth of thin films (using sputtering techniques), as well as development of coatings for various applications. The group was formed from, and still works in close collaboration with, the Thin Film Physics group.

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