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Dispersion of CNTs - Cheap Tubes is now a sales representative company for a complete line of Ultrasonic Equipment. Please click here to find out more about the Sonics VCX 750 and other equipment. To view our recommended dispersion process, please visit our FAQs page or click here.

Cheap Tubes Recommends the following authors.

Nanotechnology: Basic Science and Emerging Technologies, M. Wilson et al, Chapman and Hall (2002) ISBN 1-58488-339-1

Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures : New Materials for the Twenty-first Century”, P. F. Harris, Cambridge University Press (1999) ISBN 0-521-55446-2

Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes, R. Saito et al, Imperial College Press (1998) ISBN 1-86094-093-5

Wondrous World of Carbon Nanotubes (Internet Reference), M. J. M. Daenen et al. www.students.chem.tue.nl/ifp03/

The Science of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes : Their Properties and Applications”, M. S. Dresselhaus et al, Academic Press (1996) ISBN 0-12221-820-5

Carbon Nanotubes – Preparation and Properties, T. W. Ebbesen ed., CRC Press (1996) ISBN 0- 84939-602-6

Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis, Structure, Properties, and Applications, M. S. Dresselhaus et al eds., Springer-Verlag (2000) ISBN 3-54041-086-4

Carbon Nanotubes, T. W. Ebbesen, Ann. Rev. Mater. Sci. 24, 235 (1994); Physics Today 381, 678 (1996)

B.Q. Wei, et al, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 1172 (2001)

R.H. Baughman, Science 290, 1310 (2000)

D.Walters, et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. 338, 14 (2001)

B. Gao, Chem. Phys. Lett. 327, 69 (2000)

R.Z. Ma, et al., Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences 43 178 (2000)

Nanotech Fortunes: Darrell Brookstein

Popular Technology Websites

CBS News Technology

CNN Sci-Tech

CNet Tech News

MIT Technology Review


USA Today-Tech

Science News

Science Daily Magazine

Scientific American

Technology Research News

The New York Times- Technology

The Smalley Group at Rice

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1996




Industry Links
IBM Nanoscale Science Department: Home Page

Academic and Government Resources
Australian National University in Canberra: Nanotubes produced by ball milling

CARAMEL Consortium, Sweden: Development of Nanotube-Based Nano-Electromechanical Devices (NEMS)

Clemson University: Apparao Rao's Nanotube Research site

Duke University: Jie Liu's Group: CVD Synthesis of Single-Wall Nanotubes

Enzo Menna at CNR Padova: Nanotubes and Nanotechnology links

ICB-CSIC Zaragoza (Spain): Group of Carbon Nanostructures and Nanotechnology

Michigan State University: David Tomanek's Nanotube Page

NASA JSC Nanotube Site

North Carolina Nanoscale Material Center

NASA: Use of Carbon Nanotubes in Space

Roberto "Maranza" Marangoni's Nanotube Page (in Italian)

Oxford University: Jeremy Sloan's page on 1D crystals in Nanotubes and related topics

Oklahoma University: Large Scale Production of Single Walled Nanotubes (Daniel Resasco)

Penn State University: Vincent Crespi's Nanotube page (general audience)

Rice University: Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology

University of Texas: Malcolm Brown's Nanopage

University of California at Berkeley: Alex Zettl's Group Home Page

University of Sussex: Harry Kroto's Fullerene Group Home Page

University Fribourg (Switzerland): Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Nanostructures and Nanotubes

University of Kentucky: Advanced Carbon Materials Science Research and Engineering Ctr.

University of Toulouse: Nanocomposites and Carbon Nanotubes Group

University of Tokyo: Shigeo Maruyama's Nanotube Site

University of Helsinki: Ion irradiation of carbon nanotubes

University of Oxford: Malcolm Green's Nanotube Group

Universite Paris-Sud in Orsay: Fullerenes and Nanotubes (including nanotubes in zeolite and nanotube-based fibers)

Weizmann Institute: Daniel Wagner's Page on Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes and Composites

NIST - Nanotechnology Program

DOD - Nanoscience and Technology

Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology

The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI)

NASA's Nanotechnology Team


Diccionario de Nanotecnología- Nanotubos (in Spanish)

Yongsheng Chen's group at Nankai University- Nanotube research at the Nanomaterials and Molecular Devices Laboratory

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul- Ceramic Materials Laboratory

Emmanuel Flahaut's Double-walled Carbon Nanotube Page

Nanotube-based Space Elevator project

"Carbon nanotubes roll on"

"Multiwall carbon nanotubes"

"Single-wall carbon nanotubes"

"Controlling nanotube growth"

"Industry sizes up nanotubes"


CSIRO media release of 16 June 1999- Nanotubes for better TV screens

Boston College- Zhifeng Ren's Group

ETH Zürich- Home page of the Nesper group

Peter Butzloff- Nanotube Poetry

TechExpo- The Online Expositions for High Technology

University of Namur (Ph. Lambin)- Connecting carbon nanotubes

Purdue University- Nanotube Research in Ron Reifenberger's Lab

University of Mainz- Carbon Nanostructures page of Florian Banhart

Berkeley Lab- Electronic Devices within Carbon Nanotubes

University of Warwick- Links to Fullerene Sites

Michigan State University- Daily InScight Report

Molecular Dynamics Simulation of a Nanotube-Based Memory Element

University of Michigan- SWNT Production in a Reduced Gravity Environment


Cambridge University- Milo Shaffer's Home Page

Michigan State University- Cluster Science Collaboration

North East Wales Institute of Higher Education- Advanced Materials Research Laboratory

Thomas Laude- Nanostructures of carbon and boron nitride

Rice University- Ching-Hwa Kiang's Group Home Page

Penn State University- Milton Cole's Page on Adsorption in Nanotubes

University of Sussex- Harry Kroto's Fullerene Group Home Page

North Carolina Center for Nanoscale Materials

Penn State University- Peter Eklund's Group Home Page

University of Pennsylvania- Jack Fischer's Group Home Page

NASA Carbon Nanotube Gallery

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1970年底,我国第二代主力坦克122中型坦克在经历3年多的发展后,因无法突破技术瓶颈的制约宣告失败。直至文革结束前的数年间,我国主力坦克的发展步伐处于停滞不前的状态。与此同时,西方国家的装甲部队正对其第二代主力坦克进行不断改进,并在苏联t-64和t-72坦克的刺激下,纷纷加快了第三代主力坦克的研发步伐。此时,受多种因素的制约,我国的坦克工业还仅徘徊在修修补补上,逐步拉大了与世界水平的差距。 挂装附加装甲的99坦克






















我国前后发展了120毫米和125毫米反坦克弹药,前者采用整装式结构,后者采用了分装式结构。125毫米坦克炮早在1985年就研发成功,经不断改进,定型后的125毫米坦克炮的膛压已高于120毫米坦克炮。最终安装在98式坦克上的是zpt-98式50倍径125毫米高膛压光膛坦克炮。炮声身采用高强度 pcrni3nov,炮口动能比俄罗斯2a46m-1型125毫米坦克炮提高近45%,比“豹”2a5和m1a1/a2坦克上的rh-120型120毫米坦克炮高近30%。由于对身管实施了液力自紧技术,从而满足了高膛压火炮对身管强度的要求。为提高身管的耐烧蚀磨损寿命,火炮采用全膛镀铬工艺,使其寿命达到700发穿甲弹的水平,接近世界先进水准。为增强热防护效率,身管上安装了双层铝板气隙式热护套,防护效率为70%。











98式坦克上的炮长用热像仪是解放军装备的比较先进的热成像系统,该热像仪的探测器为SPRITE探测器,其光敏面是粘贴在蓝宝石衬底上以光刻掩膜而成底8条蹄镉汞芯片。SPRITE探测器与单元数组探测器相比,其优点是探测器就完成了时间延迟积分处理,即signal processing in the element,SPRITE也由此得名。SPRITE探测器必须在80K左右且真空中才有良好的性能,所以它需要封装在杜瓦瓶里,由制冷机对杜瓦瓶进行制冷。98式坦克上炮长热像仪采用分置式斯特林制冷机制冷,连续工作时间在12小时以上,试用探测器工作的制冷时间为5分钟。热像仪全重42公斤,采用串并联方式扫描,视场为5.6X3.8度(11.4倍);12X8度(5倍)。在昼间对坦克目标的识别距离为2600米,夜间为2750米。
























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Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics

Scientific Profile, History, People, Cooperation of Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics

Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics
Scientific Profile

Experimental and theoretical research carried out at the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics is primarily focussed on solid state phenomena that are determined by small dimensions and surfaces and interfaces. The investigations concentrate on establishing relations between the magnetic, electronic, optical, and mechanical properties of solids and their microstructure. Thin films and surfaces are investigated as well as nanocrystalline materials, phase boundaries and defects in bulk crystals. The results of the research will provide the necessary information for creating new and improved functional or structural materials in application areas such as sensorics, opto- and microelectronics.


The Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics was founded in 1992 as the first institute of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in the eastern part of Germany based on the previous Academy of Science Institute of Solid Sate Physics and Electron Microscopy. The institute consists of two experimental departments (I and II) and the theory department. A new laboratory building for the experimental departments, including also workshop facilities and a hall for special experiments, were put into use in September 1997. Two other buildings were reconstructed and are available since the beginning of 1999. Guest houses of the institute was opened in 1995 and in 1999.


The staff of the institute including scientific, technical and administrative personnel, comprised 99 positions, partly occupied by non-tenured personnel (19 scientists and 4 technicians). In addition, 44 co-workers have been funded by outside sources (incl. 16 graduate students) and 26 graduate students and 38 postdocs by MPG fellowships. Furthermore, 99 scientists (61 person-years) from abroad worked at the institute (incl. 26 graduate students).


A joint German-French research association in the field of magnetic thin films called "Laboratoire Européen Associé" (LEA) and collaboration based on an official agreement in the area of wafer bonding technology between the Research Center of Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) at the University of Tokyo and the Max Planck Institute in Halle are well established now. Furthermore, starting on April 4, 2005 the Max Planck Research School for Science of Nanostructures together with Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg and the Institute for Mechanics of Materials, Halle was established.

For more information, please go to this website:

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A Maven in Electronic Thin Film Science--Professor King - Ning Tu

Professor; B.S., National Taiwan University; M.S., Brown University; Ph.D. in Applied Physics, Harvard University(1968) ; Senior Manager of Materials Science Department at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center; Science Research Council Senior Research Fellow and The Royal Society Guest Research Fellow at Cavendish Laboratory, UK; Fellow of American Physical Society; Fellow of the Metallurgical Society; Overseas Fellow of Churchill College; Application to Practice Award of the Metallurgical Society; Alexander von Humboldt Research Award for senior US scientists; President of the Materials Research Society in 1981, Member of Academia Sinica, Republic of China.

As of April 2007, the total number of citation N = 10186.
h-factor = 56.
a-factor = N/(h x h) = 3.25.

Our research interest is in wafer-based and flux-driven materials science. Modern microelectronic, opto-electronic, bio-sensor, and MEMS devices are built on wafers, involving the growth or removal of mono-layers of atoms from the wafer surface or an interface. They are open systems, in which the initial wafer surface area is constant and the flux-driven processes can come from atoms, molecules, or energy beams. Specifically, we concentrate on interfacial reactions, including metal-Si reaction, Cu-Sn reaction in solder joints, nanoscale interdiffusion and reaction, polarity effect of electromigation on interfacial reaction, and kinetic theories of interfacial reaction.

Our major research areas are (1) Cu-Sn reactions in Pb-free solder metallurgy for electronic packaging technology, (2) Advanced materials reliability problems of microelectronic devices, especially the interaction among electromigration, chemical reaction, and mechanical stress in flip chip technology, and (3) Nanoscale interdiffusion and reactions. In addition, we also conduct exploratory research on (4) Interaction of implanted metallic atoms with dislocations and grain boundaries in Si, and (5) Kinetic theories of interdiffusion and reactions.

On Pb-free solder metallurgy, we study the applications of eutectic SnAg, SnAgCu, SnCu, SnZn as solder bumps to flip chip technology. The wetting reaction and solid state aging of these Pb-free alloys with thin film under-bump-metallization are of interest. Due to the large difference in thermal expansion coefficients between the Si chip and its packaging substrate, the solder joints are stressed. In turn, the stress affects chip-packaging interaction and the integrity of Cu/ultra low k multi-layered interconnect structure on the chip. The diameter of the solder balls is approaching 50 mm, so electromigration becomes a reliability issue. The advanced materials reliability problems due to a combined action from chemical, electrical, and mechanical forces in flip chip technology will be studied systematically. Electromigration induced microstructure evolution and grain rotation in Pb-free solder alloys requires investigation. A unique nature of most Pb-free solders is that they are very rich in Sn, hence the old topics of Sn whisker, Sn pest, and Sn cry are of interest again. We shall combine micro-diffraction in synchrotron radiation, focused ion beam imaging, and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy to study these issues. In optical packaging, we interest in how to wet an optical fiber by molten solder and how to achieve high precision alignment by solder joints.

On interconnect technology, our research emphasizes the effect of current crowding on vacancy and solute diffusion in electromigration. The nature of the electromigration force along the direction of current density gradient, i.e., normal to the current flow, will be explored. Why actual failures tend to initiate in the low current density regions will be studied. The effect of current crowding on joule heating as well as on stress concentration will be analyzed. The nature of back stress induced by electromigration and whether or not there is back stress in Cu interconnect will be investigated.

On nanoscale interdiffusion and reactions, we study the reaction of ultra thin metal films on nano Si wires and vice versa, and the nanoscale explosion in multi-layered nano-thickness thin films. Hollow nanostructure formation based on the Kirkendall effect will be investigated.

On extended defects in Si, we study the nucleation, growth, and ripening of dislocation loops formed by ion implantation and post-implantation annealing. The interaction of these loops with metallic atoms such as Ni and Co will be investigated. We also investigate the nano-grid of screw dislocation network, or very small angle twist-type grain boundary in Si bicrystals formed by wafer bonding. Again we examine the interaction of implanted metallic atoms with these dislocation networks.

Kinetic theory of phase transformations in open systems under the constraint of a constant surface area applies to phase changes on a wafer or on a given area of surface or interface will be developed. For example, the constraint of constant area is fundamental to the ripening of hemispherical scallops during the reaction between molten solder and Cu. The existence of nano channels between the scallops will be studied. The constraint of constant area also applies to the linear rate of grain growth in thin film deposition.

2006-2007 Publications:

A. M. Gusak, G. V. Lutsenko, and K. N. Tu, “Ostwald ripening with non-equilibrium vacancies,” Acta Mat., 54, 785-791 (2006).

Lingyun Zhang, Shengquan Ou, Joanne Huang, K. N. Tu, Stephen Gee, and Luu Nguyen, “Effect of current crowding on void propagation at the interface between intermetallic compound and solder in flip chip solder joints, “ Appl. Phys. Lett., 88, 012106 (2006).

S. W. Liang, T. L. Shao, Chih Chen, Everett C. C. Yeh, and K. N. Tu, “Relieving the current crowding effect in flip-chip solder joints during current stressing, “ J. Mater. Res., 21, 137-146 (2006).

M. O. Alam, B. Y. Wu, Y. C. Chan, and K. N. Tu, "High electric current density induced interfacial reactions in the micro Ball Grid Array (µBGA) solder joint" Acta Mat., 54, 613-621 (2006).

J. W. Nah, Fei Ren, K. N. Tu, Sridharan Venk, and Gabe Camara, “Electromigration in Pb-free flip chip solder joints on flexible substrates,“ J. Appl. Phys., 99, 023520 (2006).

Young-Woo Okm Tae-Yeon Seong, Chel-Jong Choi, and K. N. Tu, “Field emission form Ni-disilicide nanorods formed by using implantation of Ni an Si couples with laser annealing,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 88, 043106 (2006).

Z. H. Gan, W. Shao, M. Y. Yan, A. V. Vairagar, T. Zaporozhets, M. A. Meyer, A. Krishnamoorthy, , K. N. Tu, A. Gusak, E. Zschech, and S. G. Mhailkar, “Understanding the impact of surface engineering, structure, and design on electromigration through Monte Carlo simulation and in-situ SEM studies,” in “Stress-induced phenomena in metallization,” AIP Proceedings of 8th Workshop on Stress-induced Phenomena in metallization, Dresden, Germany, vol. 817, p.34-42 (2006).

M. Y. Yan, K. N. Tu, A. V. Vairagar, M. A. Meyer, H. Geisler, A. Preusse, and E. Zschech, “Effect of overburden thicknss on the copper microstructure of dual-inlaid interconnect structures,” AIP Proceedings of 8th Workshop on Stress-induced Phenomena in metallization, Dresden, Germany, vol. 817, p. 211-216 (2006).

M. Y. Yan, K. N. Tu, A. V. Vairagar, S. G. Mhaisalkar, and Ahila Krishnamoorthy, “A direct measurement of electromigration induced drift velocity in Cu dual damascene interconnects,” Microelectronics Reliability, 46, 1392-1395 (2006).

K. N. Tu, M. Y. Yan, Fei Ren, Joannne Huang, Emily Ou, L. Y. Zhang, and J. W. Nah, “Electromigration in flip chip solder joints,” AIP Proceedings of 8th Workshop on Stress-induced Phenomena in metallization, Dresden, Germany, vol. 817, p. 327-338 (2006)

Jae-Woong Nah, Fei Ren, Kyung-Wook Paik, and K. N. Tu, “Effect of electromigration on mechanical shear behavior of flip chip solder joints,” J. Mater. Res., 21, 698-702 (2006).

Annie T. Huang, A. M. Gusak, K. N. Tu, and Yi-Shao Lai, “Thermomigration in SnPb composite flip chip solder joints,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 88, 141911 (2006).

S. W. Liang, Y. W. Chang, T. L. Shao, Chih Chen, and K. N. Tu, “Effect of three-dimensional current and temperature distribution on void formation and propagation in flip chip solder joints during electromigration,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 022117 (2006).

Xi Zhang, K. N. Tu, Y. H. Xie, C. H. Tung, and S. Y. Xu, “Single-step fabrication of Ni films with arrayed macropores and nanostructured skeletons,” Adv. Mater., 18, 1905-1909 (2006).

Xi Zhang, K. N. Tu, Y. H. Xie, and C. H. Tung, “High aspect ration Ni structure fabricated by electrochemical replication of hydrofluoric acid etched Si,” Electrochemical and Solid State Letters, 9, C150-C152 (2006).

R. Agarwal, Shengquan E. Ou, and K. N. Tu, “Electromigration and critical product in eutectic SnPb solder lines at 100 C,” J. Appl. Phys., 100, 024909 (2006).

Annie T. Huang, K. N. Tu and Yi-Shao Lai, “Effect of the combination of electromigration and thermomigration on phase migration and partial melting in flip chip composite SnPb solder joints,” J. Appl. Phys., 100, 033512 (2006).

Fei Ren, Jae-Woong Nah, K. N. Tu, Bingshou Xiong, Luhua Xu, and John H. L. Pang, “Electromigration induced ductile-to-brittle transition in lead-free solder joints,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 141914 (2006).

Luhua Xu, John H. L. Pang and K. N. Tu, “Effect of electromigration-induced back stress gradient on nano-indentation marker movement in SnAgCu solder joints,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 221909 (2006).

Fan-Yi Ouyang, K. N. Tu, Yi-Shao Lai, and Andriy M. Gusak, “Effect of entropy production on microstructure change in eutectic SnPb flip chip solder joints by thermomigration.” Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 221906 (2006).

Xi Zhang and K. N. Tu, “Preparation of hierarchically porous nickel from macroporous silicon,” J. of Am. Chem. Soc., Communication, 128 (47), 15306-15307, Nov. 2006.

Xi Zhang, F. Ren, M. S. Goorsky, and K. N. Tu, “Study of the initial stage of electroless nickel deposition on Si (100) substrates in aqueous alkaline solution”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 201 (6), 2724 -2732, Dec. 2006.

Jae-Woong Nah, J. O. Suh, K. N. Tu, Seung Wook Yoon, Vempati Srinivasa Rao, Vaidyanathan Kripesh, and Fay Hua, “Electromigration in flip chip solder joints having a thick Cu column bump and a shallow solder interconnect,” J. Appl. Phys., 100, 123513 (2006).

Zhenghao Gan, A. M. Gusak, W. Shao, Zhong Chen, S. G. Mhaisalkar, T. Zaporozhets, and K. N. Tu, “Analytical modeling of reservoir effect on electomigration in Cu interconnects,” J. Mater. Res., 22, 152-156 (2007).

Luhua Xu, Pradeep Dixit, Jianmin Miao, John H. L. Pang, Xi Zhang, and K. N. Tu, “Through-wafer electroplated copper interconnect with ultrafine grains and high density of nanotwins,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 033111 (2007).

Chengkun Xu, Xi Zhang, K. N. Tu, and Y. H. Xie, “Nickel displacement deposition of porous silicon with ultrahigh aspect ratio,” J. of Electrochemical Society, 154(3), D170-D174 (2007).

K. N. Tu, Chin Chen, and Albert T. Wu, “Stress analysis of spontaneous Sn whisker growth,” J. Mater. Sci: Mater. Electron., 18, 269-281 (2007).

W. Shao, S. G. Mhaisalkar, T. Sritharan, A. V. Vairagar, H. J. Engelmann, O. Aubel, E. Zschech, A. M. Gusak, and K. N. Tu, „Direct evidence of Cu/cap/liner edge being the dominant electromigration path in dual damascene Cu interconnects,“ Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 052106 (2007).

Xi Zhang, Zhong Chen, and K. N. Tu, "Immersion nickel deposition on blank silicon in aqueous solution containing ammonium fluoride", Thin Solid Films, 515, 4696-4701 (2007).

Jae-Woong Nah, Kai Chen, K. N. Tu, Bor-Rung Su, and Chih Chen, “Mechanism of electromigration-induced failure in flip chip solder joints with a 10 micron thick Cu under-bump-metallization”, J. Mater. Res., 22, 763-769 (2007).

Chengkun Xu, Mingheng Li, Xi Zhang, K. N. Tu, and Y. H. Xie, “Theoretical studies of displacement deposition of Ni into porous Si with ultrahigh aspect ratio”, Electrochimica Acta, 52, 3901-3909 (2007).

J. W. Jang, J. K. Lin, D. R. Frear, T. Y. Lee, and K. N. Tu, “Ripening-assisted void formation in the matrix of Pb-free solder joints during solid-state aging,” J. Mater. Res., 22, 826-830 (2007).

List of thesis students in the last five years
Ph.D. students:

Dr. Harqkyun Kim, 1996 Dissertation title: "Instability at wetting tip and wetting interface of Sn-based solders on Cu substrate." Now at BMR, Orange County, CA.

Dr. Jia-Sheng Huang, 1997 Dissertation title: "Polarity effect on failure of Ni and Ni2Si contacts on p+-Si and n+-Si under high current densities." Now at Agere, Alhambra, CA.

Dr. Patrick G. Kim, 1998 Dissertation title: "Wetting behaviors of Pb-based and Pb-free solders on Au, Pd, and Ni substrates." Now at Amkor Technology, Chandler, AZ.

Dr. Lowen Chow, 1999 Dissertation title: "Structure and mechanical propertes of low dielectric constant xerogel thin films" Now at Intel, Santa Clara, CA.

Dr. Chien-Neng Liao, 1999 Dissertation title: "Thermoelectric characterization of Si thin films in SOI wafers and thermal conductivity of low dielectric constant thin films." Now assistant professor at National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC.

Dr. Chih Chen, 1999 Dissertation title: "Grain boundary structure in twist-type Si bicrystals made from SOI and dopant activation in SOI by high density currents." Now assistant professor at National Chiao Tung Univeristy, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC (starting 08/01/00).

Dr. Dawei Zheng, 1999 Dissertation title: “Measurement of local stress for microelectronics applications,” Now at Lightcrosss, Los Angeles, CA.

Dr. Chengyi Liu, 3/00, Ph.D. Dissertation on "Wetting behavior and electromigration of SnPb solders as a function of alloy composition." Now assistant professor at National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan, ROC.

Dr. Taek Yeong Lee, 2001 Dissertation title: "Electromigration and solid state aging of Pb-free flip chip solder joints and synchrotron radiation study of Sn whisker growth," Now at AT&T Bell Lab., Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ.

Dr. Peter Sangwoo Nam, 11/01, Dissertation title: "GaAs backside through chip via hole integration using inductively coupled plasma etching." Now at TRW, Redondo Beach, CA.

Dr. Woojin Choi, 2002 Dissertation title "Reliability of Pb-free solders in electronic packaging technology." Now at Intel, Chandra, AZ.

Dr. Hua Gan, 2004 Dissertation Title, “Polarity effect of electromigration on intermetallic compound formation in Pb-free solder V-groove samples.” Now at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY.

Albert T. C, Wu, 12/04, Ph.D. dissertation on "Electromigration and Microstructure Evolution in Anisotropic Conducting Tin Studied by Synchrotron X-ray Microdiffraction." Now at Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA.

Dr. Emily Shengquan Ou, 2005 Dissertation Tiltle, "The polarity effect of electromigration on intermetallic compound formation and back stress in V-groove solder lines." Now at Intel, Chandler, AZ.

M.Sc. students:

Wang Yang, 1995 Thesis title: "Ultra-fast soldering reaction of eutectic SnPb and eutectic SnBi on Pd surfaces." Now at Vitesse Semiconductor Corp., Camarillo, CA.

Ann A Liu, 1996 Thesis title: "Spalling of Cu-Sn compounds in the soldering reaction between eutectic SnPb and Au/Cu/Cr thin films." Now at TRW, Redondo Beach, CA.

Sharon S. Y. Huang, 1997 Thesis title: "Ultra-thin TaN as diffusion barrier for Cu interconnects." Now at Applied Materials, Santa Clara, CA.

Jessica P. Almaraz, 1998 Thesis title: "Morphology of the wetting reaction of Pb-free solder (eutectic SnAg and eutectic SnBi) on Ni substrates." Now at Northrop, Palmdale, CA.

Ben Zhengyi Jia, 1997 Thesis title: “Stress of Ni thin films on Si wafers,” Now a graduate student in Dept. EE, UCLA.

Yi-Pin Tsai, 1999 thesis title: “Microstructure and properties of low dielectric constant porous polymer PAE thin films,” Now at Intel, Los Angeles, CA.

Judy Pei-Yao Liu, 2000 Thesis title "Microstructure and property of Organically Modified Silicate Film Used for Interlayer Dielectric with Low dielectric Constant." Now at Applied Materials, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC.

Quyen Tang Huynh, 2000 Thesis title "Electromigration Study in PbSn Solder Lines." Now at Intel, Los Angeles, CA.

Gu Xu, 11/01, Thesis title "Effect of electromigration in V-shaped solder lines." Now at Dept. MSE, UCLA.

Cindy Wan-Ying Ma, 2002 Thesis title "The synthesis and characterization of porous low-k methylsilsesquioxane films for interlayer dielectric applications."

Jongsung Kim, 2002 Thesis title "Flow kinetics of molten Pb-free solders along V-groove etched on (001) Si surface." Now at UCLA.

Seung-Yub Lee, 2003 Thesis Title "Synthesis and Characterization of Organically Modified Silicates Thin Film for Low Dielectric Constant Materials." Now at Caltech.

Xi Zhang, 2004 Thesis Title, “Electroless Ni metallization of macro-porous silicon for the application to cross-talk isolation in mixed signal integrated circuits.” Now a Ph. D. candidate in Dept. of MSE, UCLA.

Minyu Yan, 2005 thesis on "The effect of immersion and evaporated Sn coating on the electromigration failure mechanism and lifetime of Cu damascene interconnects." Now a Ph. D. student in UCLA.

Mr. Rajat Agarwal, 2005 Thesis Title, "Electromigration in eutectic SnPb V-groove solder lines at 100 C." Now at Intel, Santa Clara, CA.

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